Today is National CSA Day 2020! It's the most popular day of the year to sign up for a CSA farm membership. To celebrate we’re offering a $20 discount on memberships this weekend only! Discount is automatically applied at checkout. Click link in our bio for details or visit: This is just one example of a CSA delivery from last summer. Each week, our CSA members get a box like this to take home and serve their families. Weekly cost?... $18.50 to $30. If you like using fresh veggies, supporting local, and getting nutrient dense, healthy produce then CSA may be right for you. Cheers! ~Kelly and Patrick - - - #flattackfarm #farmfresh #veggies #clarkcountygrown #csa #csaday2020 #marketgardener #membersonly #nochemicals #organicallygrown #communitysupportedagriculture #eatseasonally #eatlocal #locallygrown #vanwa #vancouverwa #farmtofork #freshveggieplus #veggiebox #straightfromthefarm #pnwfarm #vancouverfoodie #gardening #eatfresh #eatseasonal #womenwhofarm #vancouverfarmersmarket #harviefarmers
