
Showing posts from June, 2020

Is that a pickle in you pocket or are you just happy to see me?!? Well I’m sure happy to see some cucumbers!!! Sometimes when I walk the field there’s impromptu harvesting happening, handfuls of broccoli that I missed, pockets full of cucumbers and squash, and the snap peas just go straight into my mouth. Berries to snack on, throw a few to the ducks. Taste the borage flowers and awe at their beauty. Plucking blossoms from the herbs and enjoying their sweet yet herbaceous flavor 😍😍😍 The wonder and appreciation of nature doing its thing!!! It’s a nice break from our craze filled world, sometimes I purposely quarantine myself on the farm- just to avoid the ridiculousness of public life. Farming has made me more of a hermit, and I don’t mind.... - - - #flattackfarm #cucumbers #pickles #pocketfullofpickles #happytoseeyouagain❤️ #farmlife #sillysunday #thisismynormal

Time for another!