Today’s chili harvest! Well, some of it. These are some of the super hots: chocolate & red bhutlah, 7 pot cardi, and medium hots: aji mango and aji pineapple and oro de Ecuador. This is just the beginning 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Find these and some other sweet and mild peppers this weekend at the Vancouver Farmers Market. - - - #flattackfarm #chiligrower #chili #hotpeppers #superf’inhot #chocolatebhutlah #redbhutlah #ajimango #ajipineapple #7pot #orodeecuador #hotones #clarkcountygrown #hotseat #hotsauce #silagysauce #mouthonfire #vanwa #vancouverwa #locallygrown #organicallygrown
