Flat Tack Farm CSA share week 8: Summer squash, rainbow carrots, rainbow beets, fresh mint, broccoli, rainbow chard, lettuce, French Breakfast radishes plums and Josta berries. - - We will be at the Vancouver downtown farmers market today from 10-3 pm, come find us to grab some of these goodies and more! Stall 58 in front of Anytime Fitness. - - - #farmfresh #veggies #clarkcountygrown #flattackfarm #csa #csaday #marketgardener #membersonly #communitysupportedagriculture #eatseasonally #eatlocal #locallygrown #vanwa #vancouverwa #farmtofork #freshveggieplus #veggiebox #straightfromthefarm #pdxeats
